Connecting The insurance world!

BUILD an international INSURANCE TALENT NETWORK motivate insurance managers to understand the future of insurance.

Main topics

We show you ideas, tools, methods, technologies and solutions. We develop new customer related business models with you for your company.

Innovation & creativity methods, tools

Risk prevention & claims

New work & learning

Digital strategy & insurance trends

Technologies (AI, blockchain,IOT & cloud)

Bancassurance & embedded insurance

Customer experience

Marketing & sales skills

Ecosystem & platform economy

Turn insight into action

#InTa is the influential global network in support of Insurance Professionals #together we can create a better insurance world. Learn innovation & digitalisation skills from top executives from our Insurance Ecosystem.

Exchange experience between
young professionals & senior managers

We inform you
about News & Trends

We Invite The Best InsurTechs & Healthtechs To Show New Business Ideas

We show Tools &
Methods to work efficiently

Networking through a Special LinkedIn Group to discuss & to exchange

Access to Insurance Innovation Academy with more than 200 videos

Attend #MOI Innovation Day in Vienna or Digital Live Streaming

The world's best insurance
innovation community

Join us with the world`s brightest minds from the insurance innovation world, discover and learn new methods to stay in business tomorrow. The all-in-one insurance innovation learning program will put you on par with the leading insurance brands.

Upcoming events

Digital Strategy & Insurance Trends

18th Febr 2025 – EMEA

Customer Experience

18th March 2025 – EMEA

Risk Prevention & Claims

15th April 2025 – EMEA

Marketing & Sales Skills

20st Mai 2025 – EMEA

Insurance Technologies

17th Sept 2024 – EMEA

New Work & Learning

15th Oct 2024 – EMEA

Ecosystem & Platform Economy & Startup

19th Nov 2024 – EMEA

Bancassurance & Embedded Insurance

17th Dec 2024 – EMEA

Climate Change & Sustainability

21st Jan 2025 – EMEA

06th & 07th May 2025







89€ / Month*

Billed annually

*without VAT 

Startups / Providers

99€ / Month*

Billed annually

*without VAT 

What are our
InTa`s saying?

„I’m happy to learn more about the future of insurance together with other young insurance managers!“

„The best is the discussion and meetings with my buddy, both digitally and in person in Vienna“

„Different Tools and Innovation Methods help me to organise our project meetings in a more effective and creative way“

#InTa Videos

Erika Krizsan

Erika Krizsan

#InTa Founder

“Helping Innovation Happen Through Education & Collaboration”

  • I help Corporates through Talent development to “love” innovation
    #InTa INNOVATION TALENT NETWORK / Innovation Education Program
  • #MOI Innovation Day / Vienna
  • Innovation Garage (inhouse) – Innovation Management Program (We Create New Business Models)
  • The Best 121 InsurTechs
  • Trendreport from One Hand
  • Book Author “Innovationsdruck in der Versicherungsbranche” (german)
  • Co-Author „Insurance & Innovation” 2023&2022 (german)
  • Keynotes „Bring Your Organisation to Innovation Spirit”

Your Questions &
Our Answers

No, if your passion ist o learn more about insurance innovatio, welcome to our #InTa Insury Talent Network. We will teach methods, tools and skills you can use in your organisation.

Digital Lounge monthly
EMEA 10.00-12.00 am (CET)

We are using different Education Tools like Miro, Padlet, Kahoot,
Our main communication Tool is Microsoft Teams.

After registering, you will receive an email with access information for joining our Digital Lounge

Our Insury Talent Network is a continuous growing Platform to learn more about the future of insurance. Our Target „1000 Talents & 1000 ideas“ by 2025

No worries! We record all of our Digital Lounge sessions and the Recording is avalaible in our Insurance Innovation Academy.

Our program has a monthly fee with annual payment.

1 person/company *89€/Month

2 persons/company *79€/Month/p.p

From 3 person/company *69€/Month/p.p

Yes, we have a 100% Happiness & Success Guarantee


Do you need any support? We are happy to answer your open questions. We are looking forward to assist you!

ANETT - InTa Support

Fields marked with an * are required